
Enterprise News

From the Construction of Xiaotanshan Hospital to the Huoshenshan Hospital – Actions taken by China IPPR

Release time:2020-02-25 Reading times: A+AA-

  On the morning of February 2, 2020, the Huoshenshan Hospital in Caidian District of Wuhan was officially completed and commissioned, which took only 10 days. The construction work raced against time, and the design drawings must be finished as soon as possible in order to gain more time for site operation.

  On January 23, 2020, China IPPR International Engineering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter China IPPR), a subsidiary of CAMCE, received an urgent letter from Wuhan Urban and Rural Construction Bureau, requesting support for the construction of an emergency hospital to treat novel coronavirus pneumonia in Wuhan. After receiving the letter, China IPPR responded positively and took immediate actions. An emergency command group was set up led by Secretary of Party Committee and General Manager of CAMCE, Ding Jian, General Manager of China IPPR, Liu Xiaohu, as well as a technical support expert group led by Dr. Mr. Huang Xiqiu. After 78 minutes, the revised drawings of Xiaotanshan Hospital were sent to Wuhan. After 17 years, China IPPR reformed an epidemiological design team to provide round-the-clock technical support for the construction of the Huoshenshan Hospital.

  Dr. Huang Xiqiu, who is nearly eighty years old, submitted a letter with a statement to the Party that he volunteered to take the important task, which caused strong repercussions from the community. CGTN, Xinhua News Agency, People's Daily, Economic Diary, Global Figure, Southern Weekly, Hubei Television, Beijing news and other nationwide and local reputable media reported this event in various angles.


  On January 27, the design entity responsible for Huoshenshan Hospital - CITIC General Institute of Architectural Design and Research Co., Ltd. (hereinafter CADI) sent a letter of appreciation stating that China IPPR immediately delivered the drawings of Xiaotanshan Hospital and provided round-the-clock technical support, which helped solve many complex issues in the design process and contributed to the successful implementation of the hospital construction design. CADI expressed gratitude to China IPPR for its selfless help and hard work, showed respect to the outstanding master, Dr. Huang Xiu, and wished IPPR leaders and experts blessings for the Spring Festival.


  Because of the powerful technical team and historical achievements, letters of assistance and instructions were sent from all sides of the country, either from local construction departments or from local health committees. To date, China IPPR has provided several government agencies and medical institutions with a complete set of design documentation for Xiaotangshan Hospital. China IPPR has undertaken over 20 pieces of design, counseling and management work related to emergency infectious diseases. In addition, in order to promote the high-quality construction of emergency hospitals throughout China, it quickly drew up a Technical Guide for the Reconstruction and New Construction of Emergency Medical Facilities for the Treatment of Infectious Diseases to meet the needs of construction of emergency medical facility for the epidemic. During the Spring Festival, the anti-epidemic team which was composed of designers worked overtime and spent many sleepless nights through teleconference, working at home and on-site meeting, etc.

  When faced with the epidemic, China IPPR fully developed the spirit of the central enterprises, showed the advantages of SINOMACH and serve the needs of the country, which received full recognition of SINOMACH.

  On January 25, 2020, the 1st of the Chinese lunar calendar, SINOMACH Chairman and secretary of the Party Committee Zhang Xiaolun came to China IPPR to visit the staff staying on their job to prevent and control the novel coronavirus pneumonia.



  On January 29, Deputy Secretary of Party Committee and Board Member of SINOMACH, Song Xin came to China IPPR to inspect and instruct the work of prevention and control of the epidemic. He deeply exchanged views with the medical construction design group, who during the holiday stood at the post and provided ongoing technical support for the construction of emergency hospitals.


  On February 2, the SINOMACH Party Committee sent a letter of appreciation to China IPPR for its outstanding contribution to the fight against the epidemic.


  In this fight without smoke, China IPPR quickly took action and made every effort to combat the epidemic, passing the spirit of responsibility of central enterprise with firm action and conveyed the patriotism of SINOMACH. We are currently at a crucial stage in the fight against the epidemic.Let us strengthen our confidence, overcome difficulties together and beat the epidemic.

  Links of media reports: 


  Xinhua News Agency: 

  People's Daily: 

  Economic Diary: 

  Global Figure:*FqgyHkTR69VYElqdhiiPzXccDgJocxrTTto1dQUE4hRj&new=1 

  Southern Weekly: 

  Beijing news:


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