Product Category

Non-transgenic soybean

Non-transgenic soybean is elliptic and slightly-flat in shape, while transgenic soybean is round and rounded in shape.Umbilicus of Non-transgenic soybean is sandy beige, while umbilicus of transgenic soybean is yellow or yellowish-brown.


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Differences between non-transgenic and transgenic soybeans:

Non-transgenic soybean is elliptic and slightly-flat in shape, while transgenic soybean is round and rounded in shape.

Umbilicus of Non-transgenic soybean is sandy beige, while umbilicus of transgenic soybean is yellow or yellowish-brown.

Odour, color: no abnormal odour, no obvious sludge adhesion on the surface, particle of uniform diameter, and normal color. Crude protein(%)≥ 36.00 Impurity(%)≤1.5 Broken rate (%)≤8 Moisture and volatile matter (%) ≤12

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